Specially renovated for this party, there will be a star glazed ceiling, lasers and multimedia lightshow! For more info, email Lisa at eeziepeezy at hotmail or leave a message on 1-80 Just email me or page me with your address and i will send you flyers in the mail. #5 Sat, 19:52:56 Fwd: thought you might enjoy this In a message dated 2/13/99, 3:05:49 PM, malar16 at erols writes: DJs Anthony Martinez (OF MUSIC MAKERS, THE LIGHTNING, AND THE FUTURE IS OVER-RATED FAME) and DJ Jennifer spin HARD HOUSE and TRANCE music! NO guestlist for this party. You might get a mass email again if it is a truly killer must-go event, particularly so – or if I move or get killed or somthing. Also, the web site is up and running, with party stuff there. It’s easy to unsubmit too if you don’t like it.

Just go to the web site address above, OK? For all of you who like to go out in Manhattan, who have been to Neurotrancemitter parties, want to hear gossip about each other, who’s schtupping whom, this list is a must, it works like clockwork, it’s fast, it’s interactive, it’s smart, and you will know everyone probably who submits to it. Go to: /subscribe.cgi/brainmachines and click away the boxes, and be sure to reply to the confirmation when you receive it via email. You are all interesting in one way shape or form. And believe you me, you are all a very great group of people. It takes 2 minutes and will enable others on this list to interact with each other. AOL sucks w/blind cc’s If you want to get party emails in the future, subscribe to my new mailing list. My list got too big, and too easy to spam. #4 Fri, 19:39:52 I’ll get this right THIS time I hope – sorry for the possible repeat.

#3 Fri, 19:24:05 Re-send – Sorry – DELETE NOW if you received this just now – Yule bee happee… My list got too big, and too easy to spam.
You get a free unit of whatever d you want, which includes oxygen and liquour and sex with my ex girlfriend. #2 Fri, 19:25:40 Hello Congratulations, you are the FIRST MEMBER to sign up. #1 Fri, 17:57:09 Ahoy First message, HERE WE GO
These are the full emails with discussion, replies, off-topic, non trance events, etc.įor a much pared-down and edited trance history, go here, and here is just flyers.ġ999 – 2000 – 2001 – 2002 Pt 1 – 2002 Pt 2 – 2003 – 2004 – 2005Ģ006 – 2007 – 2008 – 2009 – 2010 – 2011 February 1999 Trip Out New York was called Brainmachines from 1999-2003.